- Physical Damage Coverage
- Liability Coverage up to 1 million $
- Uninsured Motorist
- Theft Coverage
- Fire Coverage
- Rental Car up to 20 days
- Vandalism Coverage
- 24/7 Legal Aid & Bail Bond Assistance
- 24/7 Towing Services
- 24/7 Road Assistance
Ride Baja Mexican Insurance offers both full coverage and liability insurance policies for you when driving your motorcycle into Baja and Mainland Mexico. You can cross the border and know you have the right Motorcycle policy backed by one of the best insurance companies in the Mexico. Our carrier HDI Seguros has proven to provide the best insurance options for Motorcycle tourists crossing the border. It is no longer just ok to have insurance. You need a policy backed by a quality company that is there for you during and after your trip.
Do your motorcycle insurance policies cover off-roading?
It is very important to read and understand your motorcycle policy. No Mexican insurance carrier offers coverage while off-roading, racing, or while riding in areas like the beach. Our motorcycle policies only cover you on passable roads that are normally transited and located on a map. These roads can be dirt as long as they are passable.
Do I really need to buy Mexican insurance on my motorcycle to cross the border?
The truth is having Mexican insurance is the law. Without it you are taking huge risks. Not only will our policies cover your motorcycle but they will also make you legally able to travel in Mexico. Besides the legal requirement, our policies include towing/roadside assistance to help you if you are stranded or broken down, and they give you liability protection in case you are in an accident with a 3rd party and you either cause damage or hurt someone else. Having Mexican motorcycle insurance is an inexpensive way to really protect you while traveling in a Mexico.
What are the requirements for me to drive my motorcycle across the border?
If you are traveling to Baja and Sonora, you will need your passport, registration, and you will want to make sure you stop at the border and get your FMM / Tourist Visa. If you are driving the motorcycle across the border there is a good chance you will just drive right over and trough the border crossing. If you are transporting the motorcycle in a truck, van or on a trailer, you will for sure be stopped at the border and they will verify vin numbers between your valid registration and the physical stamp on the motorcycle. If you are traveling to mainland Mexico you will find the exact same requirements but you will also need to get a TIP (temporary Import Permit) to cross the border. They will not accept titles or bill of sales at the border.
Does my motorcycle need to be street legal to cross the border?
Both street legal and non-street legal motorcycles are welcomed in Mexico and can be insured with our policies. Street legal motorcycles like traditional street bikes, plated dirt bikes, and adventure bikes are very common in both mainland Mexico and Baja. Non-street legal motorcycles are just as common and are used for single track and dirt riding. Although being street legal is not a requirement you will need a valid registration that matches the VIN#s stamped on the motorcycle frame in order to cross the border.
Is it cheaper to buy an annual policy on my motorcycle?
We offer daily, 3-month, 6-month, and annual motorcycle policies. The long-term policies offer huge discounts so there is for sure bigger savings when buying a long-term policy. The rule of thumb is if you spend 24 days south of the border the 6-month policy is the same price or cheaper as the 24-day daily policy. This also means a 30-day policy is the same price as an annual policy. If you are a frequent visitor to Mexico, it is much more affordable to buy an annual long term insurance policy.
Do you your motorcycle policies offer medical coverage?
No. There is no medical coverage with our motorcycle policies. Many of our motorcycle clients use 3rd party temporary international medical insurance products to cover them while riding in Mexico. It is important to be cautious and aware that when riding motorcycles in Mexico often you are very far from medical help or assistance.